Novena for Vocations to the Religious Life

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Join us in praying the Novena for Vocations to the Religious Life!

Religious sisters, brothers, and priests are a very important part of the Church. Members of monastic religious orders play a significant role in providing for the Church spiritually through their prayers. And members of active religious orders play a significant role in the Church through both their prayers and their apostolates.

The Church needs more men and women to choose to devote their lives to God in the religious life. But today more than ever, it is sometimes difficult for men and women to hear God’s call to religious life and to commit themselves to following that call.

Those who have a vocation to religious life are in need of our prayers, in order to be able to answer that call and to live out their vocations faithfully.

Let’s offer prayers in this Novena for Vocations to the Religious Life that God will call more men and women to serve Him in the religious life, and that those He calls will respond generously!

Why Pray the Novena for Vocations to the Religious Life?

You can pray the Novena for Vocations to the Religious Life for an increase in vocations in a particular religious order, or you can use this novena to pray for an increase in vocations in a certain province of a religious order.

You can also pray this novena to seek assistance for a particular person you know who is discerning their vocation to religious life, or who is trying to discern what religious order they are called to.

Additionally, you can use this novena to pray for an increase in vocations to the religious life in all religious orders throughout the whole Church.

Novena for Vocations to the Religious Life Prayers

Novena for Vocations to the Religious Life - Day 1

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


Dear Lord, we thank You for providing for the Church through the prayers and works of men and women in religious orders. We ask that You call more men and women to serve You in religious life, and that You provide for them all that they need to serve You faithfully in their vocation.

Monasticism is a great gift You have given to the Church. Though their dedication and love goes mostly unseen by the faithful, members of contemplative monastic communities help provide for the needs of the Church and the world through their constant prayer.

Please move more men and women to serve You in religious life, and we particularly ask You today to call more men and women to serve You in monastic religious orders!

Help us to grow in love and devotion to You each day. Help us to be eager to devote our lives entirely to You.

I especially ask in this novena (mention your intentions here).

Lord, hear our prayers!

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


Novena for Vocations to the Religious Life - Day 2

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


Dear Lord, we thank You for providing for the Church through the prayers and works of men and women in religious orders. We ask that You call more men and women to serve You in religious life, and that You provide for them all that they need to serve You faithfully in their vocation.

Men and women serving You in active religious orders face many challenges as they strive to serve You with wholehearted devotion while carrying out apostolate work in the world. Though this task must be difficult at times, they provide richly for the Church.

Please move more men and women to serve You in religious life, and we particularly ask You today to call more men and women to serve You in active religious orders!

Help us to always be open to serving You as You call us to. Help us to devote ourselves more fully to You each day.

I especially ask in this novena (mention your intentions here).

Lord, hear our prayers!

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


Novena for Vocations to the Religious Life - Day 3

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


Dear Lord, we thank You for providing for the Church through the prayers and works of men and women in religious orders. We ask that You call more men and women to serve You in religious life, and that You provide for them all that they need to serve You faithfully in their vocation.

Priests in religious orders hold a unique place in the Church and provide a lot of important work for the Church. The work of holy religious priests has had great impact on both the formation of laity and of their fellow religious.

Please move more men and women to serve You in religious life, and we particularly ask You today to call more men to serve You as priests in religious orders!

Help us to grow in imitation of You at all times. Help us to be eager to serve You more faithfully each day.

I especially ask in this novena (mention your intentions here).

Lord, hear our prayers!

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


Novena for Vocations to the Religious Life - Day 4

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


Dear Lord, we thank You for providing for the Church through the prayers and works of men and women in religious orders. We ask that You call more men and women to serve You in religious life, and that You provide for them all that they need to serve You faithfully in their vocation.

Strong religious formation of youth can play a great part in vocations. A firm foundation in the Faith can help young people to hear Your call to religious life and to respond to that call with a generous heart. 

Please move more men and women to serve You in religious life, and we particularly ask You today to provide all that is needed for the strong religious formation of young people!

Help us to do all we can to bring others to You at every opportunity. Help us to grow in our relationship with You each day.

I especially ask in this novena (mention your intentions here).

Lord, hear our prayers!

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


Novena for Vocations to the Religious Life - Day 5

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


Dear Lord, we thank You for providing for the Church through the prayers and works of men and women in religious orders. We ask that You call more men and women to serve You in religious life, and that You provide for them all that they need to serve You faithfully in their vocation.

Our modern world can make it very difficult for men and women to hear and respond to Your call in their lives. Despite the many distractions and temptations the world has to offer, You are able to equip men and women to hear Your call and to carry it out faithfully.

Please move more men and women to serve You in religious life, and we particularly ask You today to help all men and women who are discerning to grow in openness to Your will!

Help us to always be willing to serve You in whatever ways You call us to. Help us to grow in virtue and holiness each day.

I especially ask in this novena (mention your intentions here).

Lord, hear our prayers!

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


Novena for Vocations to the Religious Life - Day 6

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


Dear Lord, we thank You for providing for the Church through the prayers and works of men and women in religious orders. We ask that You call more men and women to serve You in religious life, and that You provide for them all that they need to serve You faithfully in their vocation.

Family life is instrumental in the formation of children, and family life that is rooted in love of You can help bring about more vocations to religious life. Holy family life can help children to grow to a mature faith and to be eager to devote their lives to You.

Please move more men and women to serve You in religious life, and we particularly ask You today to help all families to foster religious vocations in children!

Help us to do all we can to lead those around us to deeper holiness. Help us to take every opportunity You give us to serve You.

I especially ask in this novena (mention your intentions here).

Lord, hear our prayers!

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


Novena for Vocations to the Religious Life - Day 7

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


Dear Lord, we thank You for providing for the Church through the prayers and works of men and women in religious orders. We ask that You call more men and women to serve You in religious life, and that You provide for them all that they need to serve You faithfully in their vocation.

Holy priests do a lot of good for the whole Church and for each of Your people to whom they minister. The inspiring example of holy priests can help lead men and women to follow You and to devote their lives to You in religious vocations.

Please move more men and women to serve You in religious life, and we particularly ask You today to help all priests to foster religious vocations in their flocks!

Help us to strive to serve You more devotedly each day. Help us to never miss the opportunity to follow Your call in our lives.

I especially ask in this novena (mention your intentions here).

Lord, hear our prayers!

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


Novena for Vocations to the Religious Life - Day 8

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


Dear Lord, we thank You for providing for the Church through the prayers and works of men and women in religious orders. We ask that You call more men and women to serve You in religious life, and that You provide for them all that they need to serve You faithfully in their vocation.

It can sometimes be difficult to understand Your will for us in our lives. You provide us with many helps as we seek to follow Your call. The vocation directors in each religious order carry out the important task of helping those who are discerning where You are calling them to.

Please move more men and women to serve You in religious life, and we particularly ask You today to help all vocations directors in their important work!

Help us to open ourselves up to You will for our lives more and more each day. Help us to grow in devotion to You at every opportunity.

I especially ask in this novena (mention your intentions here).

Lord, hear our prayers!

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


Novena for Vocations to the Religious Life - Day 9

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


Dear Lord, we thank You for providing for the Church through the prayers and works of men and women in religious orders. We ask that You call more men and women to serve You in religious life, and that You provide for them all that they need to serve You faithfully in their vocation.

Men and women serving You in religious orders are a great gift to the whole Church. Though we may never know the impact that the prayers and works of Your religious have had on us, You know how significant their devoted service to You has been for the Church.

Please move more men and women to serve You in religious life, and we particularly ask You today to bless the whole Church through more vocations to the religious life!

Help us to become more devoted servants of You and Your Church. Help us to die to self out of love for You.

I especially ask in this novena (mention your intentions here).

Lord, hear our prayers!

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 
