St. Agnes Novena

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St. Agnes was an early Christian martyr. She lived in the 200s-300s. She is one of the saints mentioned in the Canon of the Mass.

St. Agnes was a very holy young girl. You can use this novena to seek intercession from this holy martyr in many aspects of your life.

About St. Agnes

St. Agnes was born around the year 291. Her parents were members of the Roman nobility. They were also devout Christians.

Agnes was very beautiful, so many suitors asked for her hand in marriage when she was around twelve or thirteen years old. But Agnes had made a vow of virginity. Tradition holds that, when men asked for her hand in marriage, she said, “Jesus Christ is my only Spouse.”

During this time, the Roman emperor Diocletian was persecuting Christians. When Agnes refused to marry, the men she rejected told the authorities that she was a Christian.

One account holds that a man she rejected was the son of the governor. He tried to win her hand in marriage by giving her many expensive gifts, but she told him that she was already promised to the Lord of the Universe. The man became very angry at this and told his father.

The governor tried to sway Agnes to change her mind. First, he promised her gifts if she would deny God. When Agnes refused to renounce her faith, he had her chained. This did not break her resolve, and she remained joyful in her sufferings.

Agnes was then dragged through the streets naked. She was put into a brothel, but the men who attempted to rape her there were struck blind. 

Agnes was soon condemned to death. Because she was so young and beautiful, legend holds that even some of the pagans were moved to tears over her impending death. But Agnes remained joyful. Some people implored her to renounce her faith in order to save her life, but she refused. She said she would never do this because it would offend her Spouse.

Some accounts hold that Agnes was first tied to a stake, in order that she might be burned to death. But God miraculously preserved her from death. It is uncertain whether the flames parted around her or the wood would not burn. 

When it was clear that she could not be burned to death, the official in charge of her execution drew a sword and beheaded her. Some accounts hold that he actually caused her death by stabbing her in the throat.

When Agnes’ blood poured out onto the floor of the stadium, other Christians used clothes to soak it up. Her body was buried beside a road in Rome called Via Nomentana.

St. Agnes’ Feast Day: January 21st

Why Pray the St. Agnes Novena?

St. Agnes is the patron saint of sexual abuse victims. You can pray the St. Agnes Novena to seek St. Agnes’ intercession if you are a victim of sexual abuse. Or you can pray this novena for someone you know who has been a victim of sexual abuse.

St. Agnes is also the patron saint of chastity. You can pray the St. Agnes Novena if you are seeking to grow in chastity or are struggling with chastity. You can also use this novena to seek intercession from St. Agnes for someone you know who is seeking to grow in chastity or is struggling with chastity.

You can pray the St. Agnes Novena for any intention!

St. Agnes Novena Prayers

St. Agnes Novena - Day 1

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


Dear Lord, we thank You and praise You for giving us St. Agnes as an example of holiness. We ask You to hear the prayers she brings before You on our behalf.

St. Agnes, we know little about your early family life. But we know that your parents practiced their Christian faith in a society that was very hostile to Christianity. Though you were still a child, you grew strong enough in your faith that you gave up your life for Christ.

Please bring all of our petitions before the throne of God, and we particularly ask today that you pray that all families may be full of holiness and love.

Pray for us, that we may always hold fast to our faith in every circumstance. Pray that we may do all we can to live saintly lives each day.

And we especially ask in this novena for (mention your intentions here).

St. Agnes, pray for us!

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


St. Agnes Novena - Day 2

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


Dear Lord, we thank You and praise You for giving us St. Agnes as an example of holiness. We ask You to hear the prayers she brings before You on our behalf.

St. Agnes, you were only twelve or thirteen years old when you chose to suffer and die for your faith. Despite your young age, you held fast to your faith amidst persuasion, bribery, and eventually great suffering. 

Please bring all of our petitions before the throne of God, and we particularly ask today that you pray that all children may receive the love and formation they need.

Pray for us, that we may serve God worthily in every circumstance we encounter in our lives. Pray that we may do all we can to grow in holiness at every opportunity God gives us.

And we especially ask in this novena for (mention your intentions here).

St. Agnes, pray for us!

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


St. Agnes Novena - Day 3

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


Dear Lord, we thank You and praise You for giving us St. Agnes as an example of holiness. We ask You to hear the prayers she brings before You on our behalf.

St. Agnes, you felt God calling you to consecrate yourself to Him as a virgin. Though you were only twelve or thirteen years old, you held fast to this vocation amidst great pressure to marry.

Please bring all of our petitions before the throne of God, and we particularly ask today that you pray that God may inspire more men and women to serve Him in the religious and priestly vocations.

Pray for us, that we may always be eager to carry out God’s will in our lives each day. Pray that we may devote ourselves more wholeheartedly to God at every opportunity He gives us.

And we especially ask in this novena for (mention your intentions here).

St. Agnes, pray for us!

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


St. Agnes Novena - Day 4

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


Dear Lord, we thank You and praise You for giving us St. Agnes as an example of holiness. We ask You to hear the prayers she brings before You on our behalf.

St. Agnes, you had a very intimate relationship with Our Lord. Though you were only twelve or thirteen years old, you loved Him deeply and wished to consecrate yourself to Him as a virgin. Tradition says that you proclaimed Jesus as your Spouse when men asked for your hand in marriage.

Please bring all of our petitions before the throne of God, and we particularly ask today that you pray that we may grow in our friendship with Our Lord.

Pray for us, that we may always do all we can to advance in holiness. Pray that we may make our relationship with God our top priority in life.

And we especially ask in this novena for (mention your intentions here).

St. Agnes, pray for us!

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


St. Agnes Novena - Day 5

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


Dear Lord, we thank You and praise You for giving us St. Agnes as an example of holiness. We ask You to hear the prayers she brings before You on our behalf.

St. Agnes, you lived in a society that was very hostile to Christianity. You were betrayed to the authorities as a Christian when you were twelve or thirteen years old. Despite torture and great suffering, you held steadfast and refused to renounce your faith.

Please bring all of our petitions before the throne of God, and we particularly ask today that you pray that God may strengthen and assist all Christians who are being persecuted for their faith.

Pray for us, that we may never allow any sufferings to deter us from serving God. Pray that we may serve God worthily in every circumstance.

And we especially ask in this novena for (mention your intentions here).

St. Agnes, pray for us!

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


St. Agnes Novena - Day 6

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


Dear Lord, we thank You and praise You for giving us St. Agnes as an example of holiness. We ask You to hear the prayers she brings before You on our behalf.

St. Agnes, you suffered greatly on account of your faith when you were twelve or thirteen years old. Despite your young age, you were not deterred from your faith amidst great pressure and torture. You persevered in your faith to the point of death.

Please bring all of our petitions before the throne of God, and we particularly ask today that you pray that we may grow in the perseverance we need for holiness.

Pray for us, that we may grow in every virtue we need for holiness. Pray that we may do all we can to live saintly lives each day.

And we especially ask in this novena for (mention your intentions here).

St. Agnes, pray for us!

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


St. Agnes Novena - Day 7

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


Dear Lord, we thank You and praise You for giving us St. Agnes as an example of holiness. We ask You to hear the prayers she brings before You on our behalf.

St. Agnes, you are venerated as the patron saint of chastity. You chose to consecrate your virginity to Our Lord despite great pressure to marry. Legend says that as you were being persecuted for your faith, God protected your virginity through miraculous intervention.

Please bring all of our petitions before the throne of God, and we particularly ask today that you pray that we may grow in the virtue of chastity.

Pray for us, that we may grow closer to God each day of our lives, even in the midst of suffering. Pray that we may serve God more wholeheartedly at every opportunity He gives us.

And we especially ask in this novena for (mention your intentions here).

St. Agnes, pray for us!

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


St. Agnes Novena - Day 8

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


Dear Lord, we thank You and praise You for giving us St. Agnes as an example of holiness. We ask You to hear the prayers she brings before You on our behalf.

St. Agnes, you were tortured when you refused to renounce your faith. Throughout painful and humiliating torture, you remained joyful in your sufferings. Even when your sufferings were so awful that pagans were moved to pity for you, you remained steadfast and joyful.

Please bring all of our petitions before the throne of God, and we particularly ask today that you pray that we may be able to joyfully accept sufferings in our lives.

Pray for us, that we may do all things in our lives out of love for God. Pray that we may do all we can to grow in holiness each day of our lives.

And we especially ask in this novena for (mention your intentions here).

St. Agnes, pray for us!

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


St. Agnes Novena - Day 9

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


Dear Lord, we thank You and praise You for giving us St. Agnes as an example of holiness. We ask You to hear the prayers she brings before You on our behalf.

St. Agnes, you bravely refused to renounce your faith despite the threat of torture and death. You were only twelve or thirteen years old, but you courageously endured painful and humiliating torture. You even persevered to the point of death rather than renounce your Christian faith.

Please bring all of our petitions before the throne of God, and we particularly ask today that you pray that we may grow in the courage we need for holiness.

Pray for us, that we may always do all we can to advance in virtue and holiness. Pray that we may grow closer to God each day of our lives.

And we especially ask in this novena for (mention your intentions here).

St. Agnes, pray for us!

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 
