St. Clare of Assisi Novena
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St. Clare, also known as St. Clare of Assisi, was 18 years old when she heard St. Francis of Assisi preaching. His teachings influenced her to change her whole life and dedicate it to God. She became the first female, “Franciscan”. Clare and Francis became lifelong friends and he was her spiritual guide.
Clare founded the Franciscan Nuns of the Second Order: the “Poor Clares”. The Poor Clares depended only on almsgiving and had complete faith on God to provide for them through other people. She and her order lived a simple life of poverty, austerity and seclusion from the world. They went barefoot, slept on the ground, did not eat meat and observed silence.
Clare lived in the convent of San Damiano in Assisi and she served the sick, washed the feet of beggars, and prayed fervently. Although she never left the convent, she had such a great influence that popes, cardinals and bishops often came to consult her. Her Feast-day is August 11th, but you can pray her novena at anytime.
St. Clare of Assisi Novena Prayers
St. Clare of Assisi Novena - Day 1
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
Dearest Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We praise you and the fruits of your grace that manifested themselves in your poor and gracious servant, Saint Clare. Through her intercession we come to you like little children to ask that you not only grant us the requests in our hearts but also that we may live as Saint Clare did in Your heart.
Most Holy Saint Clare, you were the first disciple of Saint Francis of Assisi. You abandoned all of your riches for a life of sacrifice, service and poverty in order to follow the Lord, Our God, through the Gospel. You are certainly rejoicing with God in Heaven and so we ask that you obtain for us from God the grace of…
(Mention your intentions here).
We are inspired by your words, “On earth, may He increase [His] grace and virtues among [His] servants and handmaids of His Church Militant. In heaven, may He exalt and glorify you in His Church Triumphant among all His men and women saints.”
Most Holy Saint Clare, we strive to be virtuous like you. We strive to be saints like you. We strive to follow the Divine Will. We strive to trust in the providence of God in our lives. Enter our hearts and make us holy!
Saint Clare, Pray for us!
That we may be worthy of the promises of Christ.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
St. Clare of Assisi Novena - Day 2
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
Dearest Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We praise you and the fruits of your grace that manifested themselves in your poor and gracious servant, Saint Clare. Through her intercession we come to you like little children to ask that you not only grant us the requests in our hearts but also that we may live as Saint Clare did in Your heart.
Saint Clare, as a young girl you left everything and gave your life to God and to the poorest of the poor in your native town of Assisi. You were inspired by the words of St. Francis who pointed you in the direction of Jesus and the Most Blessed Sacrament. Please pray for us…
(Mention your intentions here)
… that I will seek Jesus as our first love and please help us to grow in love so that we may care for the poor and offer our everyday lives to God.
We are inspired by your words, “The kingdom of heaven is promised and given by the Lord only to the poor: for he who loves temporal things loses the fruit of love.”
Saint Clare, intercede for us! That we may not seek to obtain physical objects but that we may seek the love of God! For we know that temporal objects will not satisfy the needs of our hearts. The longing we feel will only be fulfilled when our hearts rest in Our Lord, Jesus Christ.
Most Holy Saint Clare, we strive to be poor of spirit like you. We strive to be saints like you. We strive to follow the Divine Will. We strive to trust in the providence of God in our lives. Enter our hearts and make us holy!
Saint Clare, Pray for us!
That we may be worthy of the promises of Christ.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
St. Clare of Assisi Novena - Day 3
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
Dearest Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We praise you and the fruits of your grace that manifested themselves in your poor and gracious servant, Saint Clare. Through her intercession we come to you like little children to ask that you not only grant us the requests in our hearts but also that we may live as Saint Clare did in Your heart.
Blessed Saint Clare, the meaning of your name is, “light”. Illuminate the darkness of our minds and hearts so that we can see what God wants us to do. Help us to do God’s will with a joyful heart.
You are a light that illuminated the world. Please be our light in our times of trouble and sorrow. May your light shine so brightly that God will quickly answer the intentions that we hold dear in the silence of our hearts…
(Mention your intentions here).
Saint Clare, we ask that you look upon our requests with your selfless and kind heart. Please intercede for us and help make us holy! We desire that you may lead us to see the eternal light of our home in Heaven.
Most Holy Saint Clare, we strive to be a light in the world like you. We strive to be saints like you. We strive to follow the Divine Will. We strive to trust in the providence of God in our lives. Enter our hearts and make us holy!
Saint Clare, Pray for us!
That we may be worthy of the promises of Christ.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
St. Clare of Assisi Novena - Day 4
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
Dearest Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We praise you and the fruits of your grace that manifested themselves in your poor and gracious servant, Saint Clare. Through her intercession we come to you like little children to ask that you not only grant us the requests in our hearts but also that we may live as Saint Clare did in Your heart.
Blessed St. Clare we are inspired by your words,
“With swift pace, light step, unswerving feet, so that even your steps stir up no dust, may you go forward securely, joyfully, and swiftly, on the path of prudent happiness, not believing anything that would dissuade you from this resolution or that would place a stumbling block for you on the way, so that you may offer your vows to the Most High in the pursuit of that perfection to which the Spirit of the Lord has called you.”
Help us pursue the perfection that God intends for us. May we swiftly, safely and joyfully pursue the Lord every day of our lives. That we may know and deeply live our vocation in life whether it be that of religious, married or single life. Assist us in finding happiness in our lives and in God the Most High.
With great confidence, we ask for your intercession for… (Mention your intentions here). We are sure in your ability to take our requests directly to the Lord and that He will hear and answer us; for you are a powerful intercessor.
Most Holy Saint Clare, we strive to be happy like you. We strive to be saints like you. We strive to follow the Divine Will. We strive to trust in the providence of God in our lives. Enter our hearts and make us holy!
Saint Clare, Pray for us!
That we may be worthy of the promises of Christ.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
St. Clare of Assisi Novena - Day 5
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
Dearest Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We praise you and the fruits of your grace that manifested themselves in your poor and gracious servant, Saint Clare. Through her intercession we come to you like little children to ask that you not only grant us the requests in our hearts but also that we may live as Saint Clare did in Your heart.
Blessed St. Clare we are inspired by your words,
“Place your mind in the mirror of eternity;
Place your soul in the splendor of glory;
Place your heart in the figure of the divine substance;
And, through contemplation, transform your entire being into the image of the Divine One Himself;
So that you, yourself, may also experience what His friends experience when they taste the hidden sweetness that God alone has kept from the beginning.
For those who love Him.”
Help us to place our minds, souls and hearts in the Lord’s hands. Show us how to contemplate and transform ourselves into faithful followers of God. Glorious Saint Clare, you lived a life full of love, prayer, and penance. Help us to fulfill our destiny that we may one day greet you in Heaven.
Have pity on us who struggle in our faith, O Saint Clare. Your faith is steadfast and so we confidently ask you to hear our prayers … (Mention your intentions here) So that we may also taste the sweetness that God has kept for those who love Him.
Most Holy Saint Clare, we strive to be faithful like you. We strive to be saints like you. We strive to follow the Divine Will. We strive to trust in the providence of God in our lives. Enter our hearts and make us holy!
Saint Clare, Pray for us!
That we may be worthy of the promises of Christ.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
St. Clare of Assisi Novena - Day 6
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
Dearest Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We praise you and the fruits of your grace that manifested themselves in your poor and gracious servant, Saint Clare. Through her intercession we come to you like little children to ask that you not only grant us the requests in our hearts but also that we may live as Saint Clare did in Your heart.
Blessed Saint Clare, we are inspired by your words,
“May He look upon you with the eyes of His mercy and give you His peace. Here below may He pour forth His graces on you abundantly and in Heaven may He place you among His saints.”
Help us to welcome the Lord’s gaze so that we may be at peace. May His mercy melt away all anxiety, distress and hardship. For we desire to peacefully rest in God’s plan for our lives.
You lived a contemplative life of prayer, silence and peace. In this noisy world we live in, lend us your wisdom and peaceful nature so that we may benefit in hearing God more clearly.
With great desire and faith we peacefully bring to your feet our intentions … (Mention your intentions here) for we know that you will swiftly bring our prayers before the Lord, Our God.
Most Holy Saint Clare, we strive to be peaceful like you. We strive to be saints like you. We strive to follow the Divine Will. We strive to trust in the providence of God in our lives. Enter our hearts and make us holy!
Saint Clare, Pray for us!
That we may be worthy of the promises of Christ.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
St. Clare of Assisi Novena - Day 7
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
Dearest Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We praise you and the fruits of your grace that manifested themselves in your poor and gracious servant, Saint Clare. Through her intercession we come to you like little children to ask that you not only grant us the requests in our hearts but also that we may live as Saint Clare did in Your heart.
Blessed Saint Clare, we are inspired by your words,
“Go forth without fear, for He who created you has made you holy, has always protected you, and loves you as a mother. Blessed be you, my God, for having created me.”
Help us to be fearless like you, O Saint Clare. Your example of full trust in God and in the Blessed Sacrament as your protection allows us to follow in your footsteps of faith.
When your convent was about to be attacked, you placed the Eucharist at the gates, fearlessly prayed and your attackers left. Show us how to be fearless in our faith as you were. So that we may not fear the suffering in our world today but instead triumph over it!
Glorious Saint Clare, from your high place in Heaven, take care of us now and our needs… (Mention your intentions here)… and guide us by your light to Heaven.
Most Holy Saint Clare, we strive to be fearless like you. We strive to be saints like you. We strive to follow the Divine Will. We strive to trust in the providence of God in our lives. Enter our hearts and make us holy!
Saint Clare, Pray for us!
That we may be worthy of the promises of Christ.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
St. Clare of Assisi Novena - Day 8
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
Blessed Saint Clare, we are inspired by your words,
“Love with your whole heart God and Jesus, His son, crucified for our sins, and never let His memory escape your mind; make yourself meditate continually on the mysteries of the cross and the anguish of the mother standing beneath the cross.”
Help us to love God and Jesus as you do. May we always remember the ultimate sacrifice He made out of love for us. It was your love of God that lead you to give your life to Him with the guidance of St. Francis. Be our guide! Show us how to love God and everyone we encounter as you fervently loved God and served the poor.
It is with great faith in you, O Saint Clare, that we beg you to show us love as we ask you to intercede for us. (Mention your intentions here). You are beloved by God and close to his heart. Please do not despise our requests but ask God to lovingly answer our prayers.
Most Holy Saint Clare, we strive to be full of love like you. We strive to be saints like you. We strive to follow the Divine Will. We strive to trust in the providence of God in our lives. Enter our hearts and make us holy!
Saint Clare, Pray for us!
That we may be worthy of the promises of Christ.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
St. Clare of Assisi Novena - Day 9
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
Dearest Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We praise you and the fruits of your grace that manifested themselves in your poor and gracious servant, Saint Clare. Through her intercession we come to you like little children to ask that you not only grant us the requests in our hearts but also that we may live as Saint Clare did in Your heart.
Most prayerful Saint Clare, we admire the example you set for your sisters and everyone in the world. You are a loyal daughter of the Church. You were a friend and confidante of popes, cardinals, bishops and many holy people. Enlighten us with your prayerful words,
“I, Clare, a handmaid of Christ, a little plant of our holy Father Francis, a sister and mother of you and the Poor Sisters, although unworthy, ask our Lord Jesus Christ through His mercy and through the intercession of His most holy Mother Mary, of Blessed Michael the Archangel and all the holy angels of God, and of all His men and women saints, that the heavenly Father give you and confirm for you this most holy blessing in heaven and on earth.”
With your prayer, O Blessed Saint Clare, we ask that you take our intentions to God the most high in Heaven. (Mention you intentions here).
Our Father, as we celebrate the feast of Saint Clare, we pray that you may grant us to be partakers of the joys of Heaven.
Most Holy Saint Clare, we strive to be prayerful like you. We strive to be saints like you. We strive to follow the Divine Will. We strive to trust in the providence of God in our lives. Enter our hearts and make us holy!
Saint Clare, Pray for us!
That we may be worthy of the promises of Christ.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
St. Clare Patron of…
The intercession of St. Clare is called on especially in the following cases:
- goldsmiths
- laundry
- television
- clairvoyance
- eye disease
- embroiders
- gilders
- good weather
- needleworkers
- telephones
- telegraphs
You can pray the St. Clare Novena for any reason that you want, so go ahead and start praying!
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