St. Nicholas Novena

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Join us in praying this novena to St. Nicholas!

Legends of St. Nicholas have inspired many Christmas traditions across the world of a man in red who gives gifts to children, from Santa Claus to Father Christmas to Pere Noel, and more. 

Aside from legends and stories of the real St. Nicholas passed down through the centuries, little is known about his life. We do know that St. Nicholas was a Catholic bishop in Asia Minor in the 4th century, known for his charity to the poor.  

His life can inspire us to be generous towards those in need as Christ commands, and to be diligent in the practice of our faith, as St. Nicholas was known also for his piety and holiness. 

Let’s ask for St. Nicholas’ intercession for all our special intentions during this novena!

About Saint Nicholas

Legends about St. Nicholas abound, but there is actually very little known about his life. He was born in the late 3rd century to wealthy Christian parents in Patara, which was largely Greek at the time, on the southern coast of what is now modern-day Turkey. 

When he was a young man, his parents died during an epidemic, leaving him with a sizable inheritance of wealth. He was raised with a pious faith, and decided to heed Christ’s call in Scripture to “sell your possessions and give to the poor”. He used his inheritance to give to the poor, sick, and suffering of his community. 

He was raised by his uncle, and devoted his life to God as a priest. One of the most famous stories of St. Nicholas points to his piety and generosity. There was a poor man, likely a parishioner, who had three daughters. However, the father did not have enough money for each of them to have a dowry, which at the time was to some degree a cultural necessity for marriage. The father planned to sell his daughters into prostitution for financial support. Upon hearing this plan, St. Nicholas secretly tossed bags of gold into the family’s home on three different occasions, giving the family the financial stability they needed, sparing the daughters from a life of prostitution.

He became well known for his charity towards the suffering and generous giving to others, which is perhaps where the modern day idea of Santa Claus developed. St. Nicholas’ faith was well-known throughout the region, and he became bishop of Myra, a city in Lycia, at a young age. 

St. Nicholas was also a fierce defender of the faith. Many accounts say that he was persecuted heavily when Diocletian ruled the Roman Empire in the late 3rd and early 4th century. Some stories say he was arrested, imprisoned, and tortured for his faith, until Constantine became emperor and made Christianity legal in the Roman Empire. 

There is some historical disagreement over whether or not St. Nicholas was present at the Council of Nicaea in 325. Many historic accounts agree, though, that St. Nicholas diligently protected the faithful in his diocese from the Arian heresy. 

St. Nicholas died on December 6 in the mid 4th century. He is venerated by both the Eastern and Western churches. His feast day in the Roman Rite is December 6.

Saint Nicholas’ Feast Day: December 6

Why Pray the Saint Nicholas Novena?

St. Nicholas is the patron saint of bakers, brides, grooms, sailors, and travelers. He experienced persecution and suffered for the name of Christ, so you can ask for intercession if you are experiencing persecution for your faith, and you can ask him to intercede for persecuted Christians around the world.

St. Nicholas lived on the southern coast of Turkey for most of his life in cities with sea trade, so he is a great saint to ask for intercession for sailors or travelers. 

He was a faithful bishop, so you can pray this novena for your bishop or for all the bishops of the Church. St. Nicholas generously served the poor, so you can pray for his intercession for an increase in charity for the poor, sick, and suffering, as well. 

You can pray the Saint Nicholas Novena for any intention!

St. Nicholas Novena Prayers

St. Nicholas Novena - Day 1

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


Dear Lord, you blessed St. Nicholas with profound faith that helped him persevere even in difficult situations. He courageously defended the truth and brought others to You by his example. You inspired him to give to the poor and serve the suffering with a self-giving love. Please increase my faith, Lord, and help me, like St. Nicholas, to give generously to those in need, both in my family and in my community.

St. Nicholas, you gave everything you had to the poor without counting the cost. Please pray for those living in spiritual and material poverty, that they may have hope in Christ and consolation in the love of God. Pray also for those in my community to love and serve the poor as Christ commanded. 

Please help me to give freely to others and to love my neighbor, and to not judge those living in poverty, but to instead love them as you did. Help me to bring the hope of Christ to the poor and suffering by my actions and by my witness of God’s love in my life. 

Please also pray for (mention intentions here). 

St. Nicholas, pray for me!

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


St. Nicholas Novena - Day 2

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


Dear Lord, you blessed St. Nicholas with profound faith that helped him persevere even in difficult situations. He courageously defended the truth and brought others to You by his example. You inspired him to give to the poor and serve the suffering with a self-giving love. Please increase my faith, Lord, and help me, like St. Nicholas, to give generously to those in need, both in my family and in my community.

St. Nicholas, you lost your parents at a young age to illness. Please pray for children who are without loving parents, that they may be consoled by the peace of Christ. Please help me to love and to learn from the children in my own life, that I may emulate their simple faith and wonder at the world. 

Please pray for me to love God with a child-like faith, trusting in Him completely even in suffering and loss. Help me to remember that God is a good Father, and knows what is best for me even when I do not understand. 

Please also pray for (mention intentions here). 

St. Nicholas, pray for me!

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


St. Nicholas Novena - Day 3

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


Dear Lord, you blessed St. Nicholas with profound faith that helped him persevere even in difficult situations. He courageously defended the truth and brought others to You by his example. You inspired him to give to the poor and serve the suffering with a self-giving love. Please increase my faith, Lord, and help me, like St. Nicholas, to give generously to those in need, both in my family and in my community.

St. Nicholas, as a priest and bishop you witnessed many sacramental marriages and prepared brides and grooms for the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony. Please pray for those who are married and preparing for marriage, that they may always seek to love each other freely, totally, faithfully, and fruitfully. 

Please pray for me, that I may live the vocation God has called or is calling me to faithfully. Help me to love my (spouse/family) and to look for ways I can take up my cross and follow the Lord in my vocation each day. 

Please also pray for (mention intentions here). 

St. Nicholas, pray for me!

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


St. Nicholas Novena - Day 4

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


Dear Lord, you blessed St. Nicholas with profound faith that helped him persevere even in difficult situations. He courageously defended the truth and brought others to You by his example. You inspired him to give to the poor and serve the suffering with a self-giving love. Please increase my faith, Lord, and help me, like St. Nicholas, to give generously to those in need, both in my family and in my community.

St. Nicholas, your selflessness and respect for human dignity saved three women from a life of prostitution. Please pray for those adults and children trapped in situations of human trafficking or prostitution, that they may be freed from these circumstances and know the love of God in their lives.

Please pray for me, that I will see and honor the dignity of every human person that I encounter, and defend human dignity whenever I have the opportunity to do so. 

Please also pray for (mention intentions here). 

St. Nicholas, pray for me!

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


St. Nicholas Novena - Day 5

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


Dear Lord, you blessed St. Nicholas with profound faith that helped him persevere even in difficult situations. He courageously defended the truth and brought others to You by his example. You inspired him to give to the poor and serve the suffering with a self-giving love. Please increase my faith, Lord, and help me, like St. Nicholas, to give generously to those in need, both in my family and in my community.

St. Nicholas, you experienced the pain of losing your parents at a young age. However, you turned this loss into something beautiful and holy by using your inheritance to serve the poor and suffering in your community. 

Please intercede for those who have lost their parents, that they may be comforted by the peace of Christ and consoled. Please pray for me to trust in God and His plan for my life, even in times of loss and grief.

Please also pray for (mention intentions here). 

St. Nicholas, pray for me!

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


St. Nicholas Novena - Day 6

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


Dear Lord, you blessed St. Nicholas with profound faith that helped him persevere even in difficult situations. He courageously defended the truth and brought others to You by his example. You inspired him to give to the poor and serve the suffering with a self-giving love. Please increase my faith, Lord, and help me, like St. Nicholas, to give generously to those in need, both in my family and in my community.

St. Nicholas, you took your role as guardian of the deposit of faith seriously, even being persecuted for your devotion to the Church. Please pray for all those who teach the faith, that they may eloquently and faithfully teach the faithful about Jesus and the Church that He established. 

Please pray for me, that I may continually learn more about Jesus Christ and the teachings of the Church, so that I may grow in knowledge of Christ and His love for me. 

Please also pray for (mention intentions here). 

St. Nicholas, pray for me!

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


St. Nicholas Novena - Day 7

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


Dear Lord, you blessed St. Nicholas with profound faith that helped him persevere even in difficult situations. He courageously defended the truth and brought others to You by his example. You inspired him to give to the poor and serve the suffering with a self-giving love. Please increase my faith, Lord, and help me, like St. Nicholas, to give generously to those in need, both in my family and in my community.

St. Nicholas, your piety and humility led to you becoming the bishop of Myra. You defended the faith against the Arian heresy, and were a holy example for Christ-like faith and charity for the faithful you served. Please pray for my bishop (your bishop’s name here), that they may be faithful servants of Christ, even in trial and persecution.

Please pray for all priests and members of the clergy to be encouraged in faith and driven to bring souls to Christ, even when it is difficult or uncomfortable.

Please also pray for (mention intentions here). 

St. Nicholas, pray for me!

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


St. Nicholas Novena - Day 8

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


Dear Lord, you blessed St. Nicholas with profound faith that helped him persevere even in difficult situations. He courageously defended the truth and brought others to You by his example. You inspired him to give to the poor and serve the suffering with a self-giving love. Please increase my faith, Lord, and help me, like St. Nicholas, to give generously to those in need, both in my family and in my community.

St. Nicholas, you lived courageously as a Christian during the reign of Diocletian when Christianity was heavily persecuted. You endured torture, arrest, and imprisonment for practicing the faith. Pray for those who are similarly persecuted, that they would be comforted by God’s presence and promises, and that they would remain steadfast in living their Christian faith. 

Please pray for me, that I may have the courage to practice my faith even in situations where I may be persecuted or made to feel uncomfortable. 

Please also pray for (mention intentions here). 

St. Nicholas, pray for me!

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


St. Nicholas Novena - Day 9

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


Dear Lord, you blessed St. Nicholas with profound faith that helped him persevere even in difficult situations. He courageously defended the truth and brought others to You by his example. You inspired him to give to the poor and serve the suffering with a self-giving love. Please increase my faith, Lord, and help me, like St. Nicholas, to give generously to those in need, both in my family and in my community.

St. Nicholas, your life and witness of Christ teach us to heed the words of Christ to love and serve the poor, no matter the cost, and to courageously live our faith, even in the face of persecution. Pray for me to live my faith with the same boldness as you did. 

Please intercede for me, that my faith in Christ will increase and my trust in the Lord will calm my fears of future uncertainty.

Please also pray for (mention intentions here). 

St. Nicholas, pray for me!

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 
