St. Veronica Giuliani Novena

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St. Veronica Giuliani was an Italian nun who lived in the 1600s-1700s. She was a member of the Poor Clare religious order. She was also a mystic.

St. Veronica Giuliani lived a very holy life. You can use this novena to seek intercession from this holy nun in many aspects of your life.

About St. Veronica Giuliani

St. Veronica Giuliani was born in 1660 in the area that is now Italy. Her birth name was Orsola Giuliani. She had seven older sisters. Three of them eventually became nuns.

When Orsola was just three years old, she began to feel great compassion for the needy. She willingly gave away part of her food to the poor and sometimes gave some of her own clothing to needy children she saw in the street.

When Orsola was seven, her mother died. Orsola continued to practice her faith devoutly, so much so that she was very harsh to others who did not seem as fervent as she was. When she was sixteen, she had a vision showing her this character flaw clearly. In the vision, her own heart appeared to be made of steel. This insight into her character helped her overcome this fault.

Orsola's father wished her to marry, but she did not want to marry. Her father eventually relented and allowed her to choose her own vocation.

At age seventeen, Orsola entered the Poor Clare monastery. She took the religious name Veronica. The bishop who presided over the ceremony predicted that Veronica would be a great saint someday.

Throughout Veronica’s novitiate, she struggled greatly with temptations to leave the monastery. Despite this, she was completely submissive and obedient to her superiors.

Veronica worked in the infirmary, sacristy, and kitchen in the monastery. She also worked as the monastery’s portress. When she was thirty-four years old, she was appointed novice mistress. She served as novice mistress for thirty-four years. 

Veronica showed great prudence during her time as novice mistress. She instructed the novices to read books on Christian basics, rather than mystical books. She also became known for her humility. 

Throughout her life, Veronica had a deep devotion to Christ crucified. In 1694, physical marks of Jesus’ crown of thorns appeared on her head. In 1697, the Five Wounds of Christ appeared on her body. The process of testing her phenomena became a source of great humiliation for Veronica, as the bishop took her out of her community life in order that she be under nonstop observation. The bishop allowed her to return to the monastery once he determined that the phenomena were authentic. 

In 1716, Veronica was made abbess of the monastery. She served as abbess for eleven years. During this time, she led wisely and practically. 

Veronica died in 1727. Her body was incorrupt for some time, until it was destroyed in a flood.

St. Veronica Giuliani’s Feast Day: July 9th

Why Pray the St. Veronica Giuliani Novena?

St. Veronica Giuliani is the patron saint of photographers and laundry workers. You can pray the St. Veronica Giuliani Novena if you work in one of these professions. Or you can use this novena to seek St. Veronica Giuliani’s intercession for someone you know who works in one of these professions.

Additionally, you can pray the St. Veronica Giuliani Novena if you are discerning a vocation to the Poor Clares, since she was a holy Poor Clare nun. Or you can pray this novena for someone you know who is a Poor Clare or is discerning a vocation to the Poor Clares.

You can pray the St. Veronica Giuliani Novena for any intention!

St. Veronica Giuliani Novena Prayers

St. Veronica Giuliani Novena - Day 1

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


Dear Lord, we thank You and praise You for giving us St. Veronica Giuliani as an example of holiness. Please hear the prayers she brings to You on our behalf.

St. Veronica, your early family life helped form you in holiness and virtue. You began to practice charity as a very young child. You continued to serve God faithfully throughout your childhood and for the rest of your life.

We ask you to bring all of our prayers before the throne of God, and we particularly ask today that you pray that all families may be full of holiness and love.

Pray for us, that we may do all we can to grow in love of God each day of our lives. Pray that we may make growth in holiness our top priority in life.

And we especially ask in this novena for (mention your intentions here).

St. Veronica Giuliani, pray for us!

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


St. Veronica Giuliani Novena - Day 2

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


Dear Lord, we thank You and praise You for giving us St. Veronica Giuliani as an example of holiness. Please hear the prayers she brings to You on our behalf.

St. Veronica, you began to practice great virtue and holiness when you were a very young child. You gave to the poor and grew in devotion to Christ crucified throughout your childhood. You continued to advance in holiness throughout the rest of your life.

We ask you to bring all of our prayers before the throne of God, and we particularly ask today that you pray that all children may be given the love and formation they need for holiness.

Pray for us, that we may always do all we can to bring souls to Christ. Pray that we may be eager to serve God in whatever ways He calls us to each day.

And we especially ask in this novena for (mention your intentions here).

St. Veronica Giuliani, pray for us!

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


St. Veronica Giuliani Novena - Day 3

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


Dear Lord, we thank You and praise You for giving us St. Veronica Giuliani as an example of holiness. Please hear the prayers she brings to You on our behalf.

St. Veronica, you began to feel great compassion for the needy when you were just three years old. Despite your young age, you often gave part of your food and your own clothing to the poor out of love for God.

We ask you to bring all of our prayers before the throne of God, and we particularly ask today that you pray that we and all people may grow in true charity.

Pray for us, that we may grow in every virtue we need for holiness. Pray that we may always do all things in our lives out of love for God.

And we especially ask in this novena for (mention your intentions here).

St. Veronica Giuliani, pray for us!

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


St. Veronica Giuliani Novena - Day 4

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


Dear Lord, we thank You and praise You for giving us St. Veronica Giuliani as an example of holiness. Please hear the prayers she brings to You on our behalf.

St. Veronica, when you were sixteen years old you received a mystical vision that showed you a deep character flaw. After gaining this self-knowledge from the vision, you worked to overcome your fault of harshness toward others.

We ask you to bring all of our prayers before the throne of God, and we particularly ask today that you pray that we may grow in the self-knowledge we need for holiness.

Pray for us, that we may strive to overcome each one of our faults. Pray that we may do all we can to advance in holiness each day of our lives.

And we especially ask in this novena for (mention your intentions here).

St. Veronica Giuliani, pray for us!

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


St. Veronica Giuliani Novena - Day 5

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


Dear Lord, we thank You and praise You for giving us St. Veronica Giuliani as an example of holiness. Please hear the prayers she brings to You on our behalf.

St. Veronica, you felt God calling you to the religious life when you were a young woman. Though your father wanted you to marry, you held fast to your vocation. You entered the Poor Clares when you were seventeen years old. 

We ask you to bring all of our prayers before the throne of God, and we particularly ask today that you pray that God may inspire more men and women to serve Him in the religious and priestly vocations.

Pray for us, that we may always be open to following God’s call in our lives. Pray that we may never allow any obstacles to deter us from serving God.

And we especially ask in this novena for (mention your intentions here).

St. Veronica Giuliani, pray for us!

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


St. Veronica Giuliani Novena - Day 6

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


Dear Lord, we thank You and praise You for giving us St. Veronica Giuliani as an example of holiness. Please hear the prayers she brings to You on our behalf.

St. Veronica, you entered the Poor Clare religious order as a young woman. Though you struggled with the temptation to leave the monastery and return to the world, you persevered in your vocation as a Poor Clare. 

We ask you to bring all of our prayers before the throne of God, and we particularly ask today that you pray that all Poor Clare nuns may be holy servants of God.

Pray for us, that we may always persevere in serving God despite any temptations we might face. Pray that we may take every opportunity God gives us to grow closer to Him.

And we especially ask in this novena for (mention your intentions here).

St. Veronica Giuliani, pray for us!

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


St. Veronica Giuliani Novena - Day 7

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


Dear Lord, we thank You and praise You for giving us St. Veronica Giuliani as an example of holiness. Please hear the prayers she brings to You on our behalf.

St. Veronica, you struggled greatly with temptations to leave the monastery and return to the world during your novitiate in the Poor Clare monastery. Despite your struggles, you were submissive to God’s will in your obedience to your superiors.

We ask you to bring all of our prayers before the throne of God, and we particularly ask today that you pray that we may grow in true submission to God’s will in our lives.

Pray for us, that we may grow closer to God each day of our lives. Pray that we may always do all that is necessary to carry out God’s will.

And we especially ask in this novena for (mention your intentions here).

St. Veronica Giuliani, pray for us!

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


St. Veronica Giuliani Novena - Day 8

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


Dear Lord, we thank You and praise You for giving us St. Veronica Giuliani as an example of holiness. Please hear the prayers she brings to You on our behalf.

St. Veronica, you served God as a Poor Clare nun for many years. You were appointed as novice mistress in your monastery. Despite the authority you gained in this role, you became known for your humility. 

We ask you to bring all of our prayers before the throne of God, and we particularly ask today that you pray that we may grow in the humility we need for holiness.

Pray for us, that we may make growth in virtue and holiness our top priority in life. Pray that we may do all we can to serve God worthily each day of our lives.

And we especially ask in this novena for (mention your intentions here).

St. Veronica Giuliani, pray for us!

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


St. Veronica Giuliani Novena - Day 9

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


Dear Lord, we thank You and praise You for giving us St. Veronica Giuliani as an example of holiness. Please hear the prayers she brings to You on our behalf.

St. Veronica, you served God as a novice mistress and an abbess for many years. You became known for your humility as a novice mistress. And as abbess, you led wisely and practically. 

We ask you to bring all of our prayers before the throne of God, and we particularly ask today that you pray that God may bless and assist all religious superiors.

Pray for us, that we may do all we can to grow in friendship with Our Lord at every opportunity He gives us. Pray that we may faithfully carry out the duties of our vocations each day of our lives.

And we especially ask in this novena for (mention your intentions here).

St. Veronica Giuliani, pray for us!

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 
