St. Veronica Novena

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According to tradition, Saint Veronica was the woman who wiped Jesus’ face with her veil during His Passion. 

Veronica’s act of kindness was rewarded by an image of Christ’s face left imprinted on the cloth. It is a gift that has brought about miraculous healings and a relic that remains one of the greatest treasures of the Church. 

Ask for St. Veronica’s intercession so that you may come to adore the Lord’s face more perfectly. 

About Saint Veronica

The story of St. Veronica is not found in Scripture but is deeply rooted in the Catholic tradition and in the Stations of the Cross. According to tradition, St. Veronica was so moved with compassion upon seeing Jesus carrying His cross to Calvary that she approached Him and wiped His face—marked with sweat and blood—with her veil. 

The face of Jesus was left imprinted on the cloth.

Nothing else is known about her life either before or after this act of gentleness and compassion; even her name isn’t known for sure. The name “Veronica” was derived from the Latin "vera icona,” which means "true icon."

Though her story is largely lost to history, her veil is not. It remains in St. Peter’s Basilica and is one of the most treasured relics in the Vatican. 

Historical records trace the veil back to the 12th century, though devotion to St. Veronica seems to go back to the 8th century, as the old St. Peter’s Basilica contained a chapel dedicated to her. It is believed that the crusaders took Veronica’s veil from Jerusalem to Rome; it was highly venerated especially during the Middle Ages, and Dante even wrote about it in Canto XXXI of his Paradiso. 

Pope Innocent III publicly displayed Veronica's veil for the first time in 1207 and wrote a prayer to honor it—an act that greatly elevated the significance of it. This event marked the beginning of an annual procession of the holy veil from St. Peter’s to the nearby church of Santo Spirito. The pope particularly wanted to take the procession to the sick in the ancient Pilgrims’ Hospital to emphasize the healing gaze of Christ.

The veil also inspired Pope Boniface VIII to declare the first Jubilee Year in 1300, during which it was featured for pilgrims as one of the “marvels of the city of Rome.” 

Today, a statue and relic of St. Veronica is found alongside St. Helena, St. Longinus, and St. Andrew in the four niches supporting the dome of St. Peter’s Basilica. Each year, on the Fifth Sunday of Lent, also known as Passion Sunday, the basilica places the revered veil on display with an extraordinary liturgy.

Saint Veronica’s Feast Day: July 12

Why Pray the Saint Veronica Novena?

Saint Veronica demonstrated incredible bravery and compassion by her actions; she was a friend and comforter of someone going through immense suffering. If you or someone you know is facing pain or grief, ask St. Veronica to comfort you the way that she comforted Christ. 

Since Veronica attended to Christ as He went to His crucifixion, you might also pray this novena for caretakers who attend to the needs of the sick and dying. 

Because she has left the Church this extraordinary relic—a replica of Christ’s face on cloth—St. Veronica is the patron of laundry workers and photographers. If you own or work for a business in these fields, you can call upon the intercession of St. Veronica with this novena. 

You can pray the Saint Veronica Novena for any intention!

St. Veronica Novena Prayers

St. Veronica Novena - Day 1

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


O Saint Veronica, you are remembered today for your tender heart that felt such sorrow upon seeing the bloody and bruised face of Christ as He carried His cross on Good Friday. The last act of affection Jesus received before His arrest turned out to be an instrument of betrayal—a kiss from Judas—but you instead offered the last touch of kindness before His death.

You and Christ shared an intimate moment in the midst of that crowded street, a look that remained on your veil as well as your heart. Help my eyes be opened to see this same look of love Christ gives to me. 

Intercede for me and pray especially for the intention I hold in my heart . . . 

[Mention your intention].

Lord Jesus Christ, Your servant Veronica wiped Your most holy and precious face, covered with sweat and blood for my sins, transforming her veil into an icon of Your sorrowful and loving gaze. Imprint this image into my very soul and perfect my virtue so that I may be a living icon of You in the world. 

Your face, Lord, do I seek. Hide not Your face from me.

St. Veronica, pray for us!

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


St. Veronica Novena - Day 2

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


O Saint Veronica, your heart was so filled with compassion that you pushed through the crowd to approach Christ on the road to Calvary. You were undeterred by the brutality of the soldiers or the fear that gripped even the heart of the disciples—His closest friends. You approached and offered your own veil to wipe the sweat, spit, and blood from the eyes of our Lord. You extended kindness into the deepest of sorrow and carried light into the darkness.

Help foster this same compassion and courage in me that I would not turn my gaze and my heart away from those ensnared in sin and suffering, but that I would work to relieve them of that pain by showing them the love of God. 

In the same way that the likeness of Christ was given to the world by your work of mercy on the same cloth that touched His adorable face, let me be an image-bearer of Christ to others. 

Intercede for me and pray especially for the intention I hold in my heart . . .

[Mention your intention].

Lord Jesus Christ, Your servant Veronica wiped Your most holy and precious face, covered with sweat and blood for my sins, transforming her veil into an icon of Your sorrowful and loving gaze. Imprint this image into my very soul and perfect my virtue so that I may be a living icon of You in the world.  

Your face, Lord, do I seek. Hide not Your face from me.

St. Veronica, pray for us!

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


St. Veronica Novena - Day 3

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


O Saint Veronica, you approached the very face of sorrow and suffering, and you did so without hesitation or fear. You entered into His pain so Christ would not be alone on the road to Calvary. How many times have I turned away from suffering? How many times have I avoided stepping into the life of someone in need?

Your gentle heart offers a profound example to me and challenges me to be more generous with others even when I feel like I have nothing to offer. Help me be more willing to give of myself to the people God places in my life. 

Intercede for me and pray especially for the intention I hold in my heart . . . 

[Mention your intention].

Lord Jesus Christ, Your servant Veronica wiped Your most holy and precious face, covered with sweat and blood for my sins, transforming her veil into an icon of Your sorrowful and loving gaze. Imprint this image into my very soul and perfect my virtue so that I may be a living icon of You in the world. 

Your face, Lord, do I seek. Hide not Your face from me.

St. Veronica, pray for us!

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


St. Veronica Novena - Day 4

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


O Compassionate Saint Veronica, you offered your veil to Christ as a sign of friendship, affirming His dignity in the presence of those who wished to humiliate Him. You thought not of yourself but only of Jesus. 

Help me learn from you how to extend my friendship and care to others, especially those who struggle to recognize their own dignity and worth or to those consistently put down by society. Help me to love the weak and the suffering, the meek and the lonely. May I offer my friendship to Christ by my works of mercy. 

Intercede for me and pray especially for the intention I hold in my heart . . . 

[Mention your intention].

Lord Jesus Christ, Your servant Veronica wiped Your most holy and precious face, covered with sweat and blood for my sins, transforming her veil into an icon of Your sorrowful and loving gaze. Imprint this image into my very soul and perfect my virtue so that I may be a living icon of You in the world. 

Your face, Lord, do I seek. Hide not Your face from me.

St. Veronica, pray for us!

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


St. Veronica Novena - Day 5

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


O Compassionate Saint Veronica, your veil was an instrument of healing; not only did you use it to bring comfort to the suffering Christ, but the image of our Savior’s precious face that was left on it offers a profound reminder to the Church today of the healing gaze of Jesus. 

It has been said that countless healings and miracles have come through the veil; may it be a source of healing for me both in my physical and spiritual ailments. Take care of my own body and heart as you did our Lord’s. 

Intercede for me and pray especially for the intention I hold in my heart . . .

[Mention your intention].

Lord Jesus Christ, Your servant Veronica wiped Your most holy and precious face, covered with sweat and blood for my sins, transforming her veil into an icon of Your sorrowful and loving gaze. Imprint this image into my very soul and perfect my virtue so that I may be a living icon of You in the world.  

Your face, Lord, do I seek. Hide not Your face from me.

St. Veronica, pray for us!

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


St. Veronica Novena - Day 6

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


O Compassionate Saint Veronica, you approached Christ as He was led to His death for our sins and provided Him comfort during this time of sorrow. Take care of me as you did Him.

Walk with me in my own moments of suffering and bring me the comfort of the Lord’s face. Help me to see Him in all things and to unite my suffering to the cross of Christ. 

Intercede for me and pray especially for the intention I hold in my heart . . . 

[Mention your intention].

Lord Jesus Christ, Your servant Veronica wiped Your most holy and precious face, covered with sweat and blood for my sins, transforming her veil into an icon of Your sorrowful and loving gaze. Imprint this image into my very soul and perfect my virtue so that I may be a living icon of You in the world. 

Your face, Lord, do I seek. Hide not Your face from me.

St. Veronica, pray for us!

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


St. Veronica Novena - Day 7

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


O Compassionate Veronica, by your actions on that Good Friday, you offer to us a profound example of the virtue of charity. You had nothing to gain from approaching the scorned and sorrowful Christ, but you did and you did it for His sake alone. 

Help cultivate in me a heart full of charity—a heart that loves God for His own sake and others as Christ loved us. Teach me not to count the cost of loving God and neighbor. Help make my small and often imperfect acts of charity true gifts for the Lord.

Intercede for me and pray especially for the intention I hold in my heart . . . 

[Mention your intention].

Lord Jesus Christ, Your servant Veronica wiped Your most holy and precious face, covered with sweat and blood for my sins, transforming her veil into an icon of Your sorrowful and loving gaze. Imprint this image into my very soul and perfect my virtue so that I may be a living icon of You in the world. 

Your face, Lord, do I seek. Hide not Your face from me.

St. Veronica, pray for us!

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


St. Veronica Novena - Day 8

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


O Compassionate Veronica, while countless others stood among the crowd mocking our Lord as He neared Calvary, you stepped forward to offer what little comfort you could and in return you were given the most priceless of gifts. 

Help me recognize what God has given me and teach me how to put my gifts to use in the service of others. Help me to see that even the smallest offering can be made beautiful with the Lord’s grace. 

Intercede for me and pray especially for the intention I hold in my heart . . . 

[Mention your intention].

Lord Jesus Christ, Your servant Veronica wiped Your most holy and precious face, covered with sweat and blood for my sins, transforming her veil into an icon of Your sorrowful and loving gaze. Imprint this image into my very soul and perfect my virtue so that I may be a living icon of You in the world. 

Your face, Lord, do I seek. Hide not Your face from me.

St. Veronica, pray for us!

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


St. Veronica Novena - Day 9

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 


Your face, Lord, do I seek. Hide not Your face from me.

Lord Jesus Christ, Your servant Veronica wiped Your most holy and precious face, covered with sweat and blood for my sins, transforming her veil into an icon of Your sorrowful and loving gaze. Through her act of love, You revealed Your face to Your bride, the Church.

Imprint this image into my very soul and perfect my virtue so that I may be a living icon of You in the world. 

O Compassionate Saint Veronica, accompany me on my journey of faith in this life that I may never fail to seek the Lord’s face. May my heart remain restless until I rest in Christ alone.

Help me keep my sights on heaven all of my days so that at the end of my time on this earth I may confidently approach the throne of God and behold His face for all eternity.

Intercede for me and pray especially for the intention I hold in my heart . . . 

[Mention your intention].

St. Veronica, pray for us!

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. 
